Be the first to complete your Life Achievements while the game and your friends actively check your privilege. Help others or fight the power with Righteous Action cards. Collect Woke Tokens to advance around the board towards your goals. Battle the realities of hate and systemic oppression while you pursue life fulfillment.

Read a study in the American Journal of Surgery about how Reality Check was used to encourage dialogue on privilege among medical students and faculty.

In America, it’s a difficult time to have heart-to-heart conversations about the unique challenges our fellow citizens are facing every day. In an effort to give people the keys to more empathy in their lives, we created a game that uses the lens of privilege to demonstrate the complexities of American life in an entertaining and thought-provoking way.
It is our intention to create an effective, fact-based experience without minimizing the lived realities of marginalized individuals and communities. We’ve formed an Advisory Board to help guide Reality Check in that process.

Where can I buy Reality Check?
Copies of the game are available here on our website.
Is this some liberal SJW propaganda?
Yes, of course. There must be something in the water.
But, in all seriousness, Reality Check is an earnest attempt to communicate the concept of privilege. We’ve made an effort to offer a facts-based representation of American life.
That said, we cannot guarantee that we aren’t lizard people. #flatearth
Why does this game exist?
The goal of Reality Check is to provide a fun and informative foundation for discussion and understanding of the complex phenomenon of privilege in America.
The goal of this game is not to patronize the lived-experience of marginalized people.
Who is this game for?
This game is for the education of people in positions of privilege—to provide a better understanding of how systemic oppression functions in America. It’s for casual gamers who like engaging stories. It’s for folks who want to spark important conversations with their loved ones and friends.
Reality Check has adult themes and content that may be considered triggering.
If you’re facilitating games or simulations with students or learners of any age, please see our Facilitator Guide, developed by Dante’ Zanders.
Why are you using humor in a game about serious issues?
The story of privilege in America is incredibly serious. Its effects result in the persecution of many groups for the crime of being born into unavoidable circumstances.
One of the questions we get about Reality Check: The Game of Privilege is how we could approach these serious truths from a position of satire and humor. After all, there’s nothing funny about racism or misgendering people. While the inclusion of such realities in the game is not meant to be humorous at all, the juxtaposition of more comedic content and mechanics is challenging for some, uncomfortable for others.
Our decision to include humor in this game is designed to act as a compelling entry for those who have not been exposed to the function of privilege in America, as well as a tool of catharsis for others. Some may not appreciate this juxtaposition of comedy and seriousness. We validate such sentiment, but also believe that the use of humor does not inherently devalue the seriousness of an issue and can be used as a tool to engage in transformative conversations.
How many people can play and how long does a game take?
Reality Check is best played with 2-6 people. One round takes around 90 minutes.
Can I sell Reality Check in my store?
Definitely probably. For inquiries, please contact gameofprivilege@gmail.com.

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